Cuphead: Studio MDHR nennt weltweite Verkaufzahlen zum Jump 'n Run

Die Entwickler des Jump 'n Run-Titels Cuphead haben sich nun erneut in Sachen Verkaufszahlen zu Wort gemeldet und verkündet, dass das Spiel mittlerweile weltweit über 2 Millionen Mal verkauf wurde. Cuphead erschien am 29.09.2017 als Download-Fassung für Xbox One in Europa, Japan und USA.

Cuphead Goes Double Platinum!

Hello friends! Much to our shock and amazement, we can announce that Cuphead has now sold over 2 million copies across all platforms. Even in our wildest dreams, we never thought our crazy little characters would be embraced by this many fans from around the world and we are continuously humbled by your support.

So to everyone who has drawn fan art, composed memes, performed songs, conquered challenge runs, streamed their playthrough, or just played Cuphead and had a good time, we love and appreciate all of you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thanks to the best fans in the world and here’s to a joyful 2018!
21.12.2017 : Thomas Brüser